Monday, September 27, 2010

Passion Live Link

I sit here waiting for more from the passion live link. I know its over, but its only just began.  The message tonight was what i have been praying for, for a while now.  Today in society, Young people are supposed to be moved out, in college, have an apartment, know exactly what they are doing. I on the other hand do NOT know any of this. I still live at home, im 24 years old, havent stepped foot in college, and dont even know the first clue about what im wanting to do.  Louie was talking about how his mom had just passed away and the time they went to the auburn football game in the flooding rain. I Cant recall the verses that he was reading from the bible, (somebody help me here). I think it was in Isaiah, but it was talking about God still has a plan for you life even if you dont know anything. Even before you were born or thought of  God had you in mind and had a purpose for you. Its reassuring to know that God still loves me and still has a plan for me. He hasnt tried to leave and just let me come up with something on my own. Its God driven all the way and thats how its gonna be.  

I have written on my facebook today about my grandma. She is doing ok for now, but I think this is the straw that broke the camels back. She had a stroke that paralized her left arm and left leg. The brain has been damaged and probably wont be repaired. Maybe this is the start of my lifes purpose as what Louie was talking about when his dad died. My grandma has been thru so much in her life even before i was born. Not to just start naming things off but shes been thru so many cuts, bruises, falls, surgerys, and emotional situations.  Shes the strongest most God-given thing to me. I love her so much i just cant bare to loose her now.

In conclusion, let me remind you to pray for Grandma Askew. Also pray for me that I would know clear instructions on what i need to be doing.   

Thank you for your prayers and support thru this time in my life.

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